Port forward

user guide

The Mender Troubleshoot add-on package is required. See the Mender plans page for an overview of all Mender plans and features.

The Mender Troubleshoot add-on package includes the ability to forward TCP/UDP traffic securely to a remote device utilizing the bidirectional communication channel already in use by mender-connect. Port forwarding allows you to troubleshoot services on the device's local area network without exposing open ports to the Internet. As a special case you can forward traffic on your workstation to a local port on the device without opening any additional ports.


To enable port forwarding, you will need to install and configure the necessary software on the device and your workstation.

Port forwarding

Having the device setup, you can port forward traffic from your workstation using the mender-cli port-forward command:

mender-cli port-forward <Device ID> [tcp|udp/][LOCAL_PORT:[REMOTE_HOST:]]REMOTE_PORT

Obtain the Device ID from the device list in the Mender UI.

Alternatively, get a list of your device IDs using the mender-cli devices list command.


The second argument specifies the port mapping - if a single port is specified, traffic on the local port is routed to the same remote port on the device. You can also specify different local and remote port, and forward traffic to/from: a different REMOTE_HOST accessible to the device.

Before using the mender-cli port-forward command you need to authenticate with the server running mender-cli login.
Run mender-cli --help to get a complete list of available commands and options.


  1. Listen on port 8080 locally, forwarding data to/from port 8080 on the device

    mender-cli port-forward $DEVICE_ID 8080
  2. Listen to port 8080 locally, forwarding data to/from port 4443 on the device

    mender-cli port-forward $DEVICE_ID 8080:4443
  3. Listen to port 8080 locally, forwarding data to/from localhost and port 4443 on the device

    mender-cli port-forward $DEVICE_ID 8080:localhost:4443
  4. Listen to port 8080 locally, forwarding data to/from port 4443 on the remote host with IP in the device's local network

    mender-cli port-forward $DEVICE_ID 8080:
  5. Listen to port 8080 locally, forwarding data as UDP traffic to port 4443 on the remote host hidden.service.fqdn in the device's local network.

    mender-cli port-forward $DEVICE_ID udp/8080:hidden.service.fqdn:4443

Further reading

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